New Families
Welcome, New Life Ram!
We are thrilled that your family is joining the NLCS Community!
This page contains helpful information and useful links to assist you in your transition to NLCS and to help you prepare for the upcoming school year.
Getting Started
If you have already completed the application process, you are in the right place! Not quite there yet? Register for a tour, a shadowing day, and apply here when you are ready. You are being prayed for as you make your decision!
We recognize the transition to a new school requires many details, so we are here to help! Please direct any questions you have to the Admissions Office at (301) 663-8418 or by email at

We had a wonderful time at BTSN 2023!
NLCS offers many opportunities to connect with one another! Some of our clubs include chess club, art club, service club and more! We also have a thriving Athletics Program. Parents interested in volunteering. may contact their child’s teacher or our front office for more information.
Coming Soon: Parent Volunteer Organization
NLCS – New Life Christian School
REA – Recommended Educational Accommodations – This is a formal written accommodation plan developed by our Director of Academic Support. The purpose of an REA is to support the student’s academic needs, communicate those needs and accommodations to all stakeholders, and to monitor student progress.
NUDD – No Uniform Dress Day
NLC – New Life Church
Drop Off & Pick Up
NLCS does have a busing system as this time. All students are dropped off at school by their parent or guardian. Our school day begins at 8:20 and ends at 3:20.
Absences & Late Arrivals
Our school day begins at 8:20AM and ends at 3:20PM.
If your child is absent, please email a note to the front office. See our Student/Parent Handbook in your FACTS Portal for more information.
If your child is late to school on a given day, they will stop by the front office. To ensure your child’s class is not already at an enrichments class elsewhere on campus, we will call your child’s teacher and make sure they are in the classroom before sending your child to class. If your child’s class is currently in a another building on campus for an enrichment class, we will make sure they get there safely. Children from Kindergarten to 3rd Grade will be escorted by an adult.
Wednesdays are Chapel Days! Chapel is a favorite among many of our children. Chapel takes place in the auditorium where children get to experience the Love of Christ through musical worship and an interactive, developmentally appropriate message.
After Care
If you are unable to pick up your child before 3:30, they will be escorted to our After Care program. Children are supervised by a trained adult. During After Care, children have the opportunity to play outside (weather permitting), start their homework, or read. Learn More.
Lunch takes place in the Gymnasium. Children will bring a packed lunch to school each day, however, on Tuesdays and Thursdays there is an optional hot lunch. On Tuesdays, hot lunch is catered by Chick-fil-A. On Thursdays, lunch is catered by Pistaro’s.
Outdoor Education
At NLCS, children have the opportunity to connect with nature in many ways. Our teachers are trained in hands-on learning techniques that often take place outside. In addition, our campus boasts a beautiful outdoor classroom. Students have recess daily, which is an important part of developing social skills and athletic development.
Visiting & Security
Our NLCS campus has security protocol that we practice regularly. All visitors are required to enter through the front office doors and sign in. Please bring your driver’s license with you.
We encourage you to purchase athletic gear and swag on our School Gear Store.
Students K-12 wear uniforms. You can purchase uniforms for your child here. See our Student / Parent Handbook for our school code.